Katso vinkit tai selaa mm. itse toimialojen, teknologioiden tai aihealueiden mukaan.
Data-analytiikan globaalin Inspire 2021 -konferenssin kaikki videot katsottavissa nyt. Esimerkkejä sisällöstä:
"Snowflake & Alteryx: Drive Analytic & Data Science Outcomes" Alteryx and Snowflake make it easy to drive analytic & data science outcomes in the cloud with capabilities unique to each of these highly complementary platforms.
"Snowflake, Alteryx, Tableau: Maximizing Business Value"
Data analytics platforms that support analytics are all too often bloated and complex. These over-bloated systems were tailored to an IT-centric and technical end user, not a line of business (LOB) analyst. The Snowflake, Alteryx, and Tableau (SALT) stack empowers LOB analyst to maximize time spent on insight-delivery by offering an easy-to-use suite of technologies that does not compromise on sophistication.
"The Model That's Produced 1,500 Use Cases" The journey from 9 trainees to 1,400 community members and 400 completed use cases in less than 3 years. Phillips 66 provided the tools, support and environment to allow business users to perform their jobs in ways they’ve only dreamed.
"Governance of Models and Workflows in a Regulated Environment"
In large regulated organizations machine learning and AI model governance is now a hot topic and many companies are implementing strict policies to manage the risks that are associated with these sophisticated analytical capabilities. How UBS as a heavily regulated bank is solving these challenges within an Alteryx framework?
"7-Eleven’s Big Gulp into Model Validation" 7-Eleven decided to use AI to enable stores to order items automatically based on forecasts, and the system needed to do that in a way which kept the write-offs and out of stock rates low.
"Using Alteryx + Tableau To Build Better User Experiences"
The Booz Allen Hamilton team wanted to create one look and feel to share data and provide insights in SharePoint to multiple stakeholders for HR data.
"Automating Office of Finance in Insurance"
Innovation: Driving Finance Transformation at Deutsche Bank. How hackatons transformed the Financial Reporting processes for Deutsche Bank.
Lisää asiakas caseja:
Cargill, Prudential, Yamaha Motor...
Spatial; Dynamic workflows, Predictive, Time series modeling, Fuzzy matching, Prescriptive optimization, Writing regular expressions, Cluster analysis, In-database processing jne!
Data-analytiikan globaalin Inspire 2021 -konferenssin kaikki videot katsottavissa nyt.